• Hình flycam
  • GCN
  • FID4
  • FID toàn quốc
  • Lễ trao giải PNVN 2014
  • tap the moi
  • HCLD hang 2
  • FID3
  • Defense




1, Objectives:

- Create a healthy and beneficial playground for students, thereby meeting the goal of physical fitness training for students.

- Facilitate opportunities for students to interact, have fun, learn, and bond with students from the Food Technology Faculty.

2, Requirements:

- Each participating student must wear attire suitable for sports activities (encouraged to wear the school's gym uniform) and sports shoes. Any student who fails to meet these requirements may be disqualified from participating by the organizing committee.

- Each competing team must have a cheering squad.

- The team captain serves as the primary representative and is responsible for all aspects concerning the team.

- The scheduling should be compatible with students' class and exam schedules.

- Emphasize discipline and unity in competition and cheering.

- Coordinate closely with relevant parties to ensure the smooth running of the program.


1. Time and Venue:

- Date: March 24, 2024.

- Planned Venue: Da Phi Co Football Field (73/1 Nguyen Do Cung, Ward Tay Thanh, District Tan Phu, Ho Chi Minh City).

2. Participants: Students from the Food Science and Technology

3. Organizational content:


  1. Games Organized:

a, Tug of War

  • Team Composition:

Each team consists of 10 members (7 females and 3 males), with a maximum of 2 classes/team.

  • Game Format:

Two teams are arranged in two vertical lines facing each other. Each team holds one end of a rope (with a colored fabric strip in the middle). When the referee gives the signal "Start," the two teams pull the rope to make the colored fabric strip cross the line on their side. The team that pulls the colored fabric strip across the line first will be declared the winner by the referee.

Each match consists of a maximum of 3 rounds, with the team winning 2 out of 3 rounds advancing to the next round.

  • Rules:

A team that is absent after 3 calls from the referee during a match round will be considered forfeited.

Teams are allowed to change team members after the end of the first round of each round (maximum of 2 members).

The member at the end of the rope must not wrap the rope around their hands or body.

Members are not allowed to touch any body parts other than their feet on the ground during the competition. If a member violates this rule, the team will lose in that round.

b, Capture the Flag

  • Team Composition:

Each team consists of 7 members, with a maximum of 2 classes/team.

Each member wears a numbered jersey from 01 to 07.

  • Game Format:

Two teams stand facing each other along pre-marked lines. The flag is placed in the center of the playing area. When the referee calls out a number, the corresponding member runs to capture the flag. The team that successfully captures the flag across the line will be declared the winner by the referee.

Each match consists of 3 rounds, with the team winning 2 out of 3 rounds advancing to the next round.

  • Rules:

A team that is absent after 3 calls from the referee during a match round will be considered forfeited.

If a team member holds the flag but has not crossed the line and is touched by a member of the opposing team (any part of the body), the flag will be counted for the touching team.

c, Ball Passing

  • Team Composition:

Each team consists of 10 members, with a maximum of 2 classes/team.

  • Game Format:

Four teams are arranged in four vertical rows, with each team being given 10 spoons of 5 different sizes. Each member of the team holds one spoon and passes the ball successively to each member from the front to the end of the row. The last member will move past obstacles, pass the ball into the basket, and it will be counted as a successful attempt.

Each round has a maximum duration of 5 minutes, and the two teams with the most balls passed will advance to the next round.

  • Rules:

A team that is absent after 3 calls from the referee during a match round will be considered eliminated.

Members are not allowed to use their hands, only spoons, to pass the ball.

If the ball falls out of the spoon during passing, it must be passed again from the beginning.

d, Online Running

  • Team Composition:

Students can participate in two forms: individually and as a class.

  • Game Format:

Students download the UPRACE app on their phones, create an account, and enter personal information (must use the format CNTP-CLASS-FULL NAME).

Participate in the "Food Science and Technology Faculty Sports Festival - HUIT" running event or follow this link: https://uprace.page.link/XoMW67y6Vw7suvoF9

Fill in the information in the link to be approved for the event: https://forms.gle/hDLGC943Poji59rD7

Students use their phones/smartwatches or the Uprace app to record the distance.

Students can participate in multiple runs/walks, with no limit on the number of times they can run/walk in a day. The software will automatically calculate and accumulate the distance covered during the competition period.

The minimum pace (minutes per km) is 4, and the maximum is 15 minutes/km.

Activities will be recorded when:

- The student with the longest, second longest, and third-longest cumulative distance covered will win the First, Second, and Third prizes respectively.

- The class with the longest cumulative distance covered by its members will win the team prize.

- Students will receive an electronic certificate and earn 4 DRL upon completion of the event (covering 42 km in 14 days).


Min Pace

Max Pace

Minimum Distance





4 min/km

15 min/km

1 km

Visibility to Others




Note: The distance covered will only be counted when the software records it after the athlete presses to participate in the event. Activities performed before joining the event will not be recorded. The organizing committee will not address cases where the software records invalid data (except for cases where heart rate cannot be measured).

  • Competition Regulations:

- Activities that overlap in time, do not display a running route map, are performed on a treadmill, or are not set to public mode will be considered invalid.

- If a student is found to engage in cheating behavior, the organizing committee reserves the right to cancel the results and not award prizes to the athlete.

- In case of disagreement between participating students and the organizing committee regarding the results, the final decision rests with the organizing committee.

  1. Prize Structure:




1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize


Tug of War





Capture the Flag





Ball Passing





Online Running (Individual)





Online Running (Team)



Most Dynamic Cheering




12,000,000 (Twelve million VND)


  1. Registration:

The team captain must compile the registration list according to the Excel template and send the file to lcdkhoacntp@gmail.com with the subject: Class - List of Students Participating in the Sports Festival 2024.

Deadline for submitting the list: 4:00 PM on March 17, 2024.

Download the registration form here.

  1. Complaints - Discipline:

a, Complaints:

- All complaints must be in writing and signed by the team captain. Personnel complaints will be resolved by the organizing committee on the spot. In cases where conclusive evidence is lacking, temporary participation in the competition will be allowed, and the organizing committee will reserve the right to investigate and handle the complaints and will inform the complainant accordingly. During the waiting period for the resolution of complaints, teams must strictly adhere to the instructions and management of the organizing committee.

- The organizing committee will strictly handle teams with members who do not meet the eligibility criteria for participation or whose names are not on the team list.

- All participants in the competition have the right and obligation to report any violations of the rules and regulations of the competition. Complaints must be in writing and provide the necessary minimum evidence for the organizing committee to consider and handle the violations.

- Teams that are subject to complaints must submit full documentation of the team and individual members to the organizing committee for resolution. If teams or individuals do not provide the required documentation, the decision of the organizing committee will be final.

b, Discipline:

- Any individual or team that violates the rules, regulations of the organizing committee, or engages in behaviors such as withdrawal or inciting withdrawal in any situation, depending on the severity of the violation, will face disciplinary action ranging from reprimand, warning to disqualification from competing or nullification of the achievements of the individual/team in violation.

- False complaints will result in a warning, and teams that file false complaints will have points deducted from their total score (decision by the organizing committee).

  1. Task Assignment:

a, Steering Committee:

- Mr. Le Nguyen Doan Duy - Committee Chairman

- Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao Minh - Vice Chairman

- Mr. Nguyen Minh Phuc - Member

b, Organizing Committee:

- Mr. Nguyen Minh Phuc - Committee Chairman

- Ms. Chau Ngoc Mai - Vice Chairman

- Mr. Nguyen Tran Bao Chau - Vice Chairman

- Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhat Anh - Member

- Mr. Tran Tri Dung - Member

- Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Tuong Vy - Member

- Mr. Ngo Hai Dang - Member

- Ms. Nguyen Thao My - Member

- Ms. Luong Ngoc Han - Member

- Mr. Chau Trong Phuc - Member

- Mr. Dao Thanh Quang - Member

- Mr. Le Duc Huy Hoang - Member

- Mr. Tieu Trong Tin - Member


View the official announcement here.

Best Regards./.

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