- Total area/surface of 19.14 ha
- Construction area : over 42,733 m2, including
- Studying facilities: lecture halls, classrooms, computer rooms, libraries, offices)
- Practical & Laboratory centers,
- Dormitories,
- All are managed and maintained by an office of Facilities Management

A view of Headquarter.
(1) IT infrastructure: Internet and LAN system, wireless powerful enough to serve lecturers and students for free in teaching, learning and research.
(2) Computer system: The university has nearly 2000 quality computers with strong network connection in the experiment, practical, and office rooms.
(3) Software: The HUIT has PMT-EMS software (copyrighted) overall management (administration and management) and 60 different softwares in classrooms and offices. Faculty has E-Classroom software to interact with lecturers and students, IDOC internal information system to manage manage the work of officials and lecturers in the Faculty.
(4) Website: The university has website (http://hufi.edu.vn/) and Faculty has website (http://foodtech.huit.edu.vn).
The FST uses the Internal Information System IDOC (http://cntp.idoc.com.vn) and E-Classroom (http://elearning.test.edu.vn) to manage common activities and teaching activities of the Faculty. The IDOC internal information system has been in use since 2012, helping the Faculty Board, Departments in planning, announcing, controlling, approving teaching activities and other tasks of the Faculty, online record keeping, help reduce time and save stationery. Lecturers can view the work schedule, notices, regulations, upload teaching records, work reports ... E-Classroom online classroom management system was put into use since May 2018, effectively supports for the process of teaching - learning, interaction between lecturers - students. E-Classroom includes functions: Class materials (course specification, lecture, reference), Self-Test, Announcements, Exercises (groups, individuals), Messages, Discussion, Exams close feedback.